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Haxe Client

You're encouraged to use this client along with any Haxe Game Engine, such as: OpenFL, Kha, HaxeFlixel, Heaps, HaxePunk, etc.


Install colyseus from haxelib:

haxelib install colyseus


Connecting to server:

import io.colyseus.Client;
import io.colyseus.Room;

var client = new Client('ws://localhost:2567');

Joining to a room:

See how to generate your RoomState from State Handling

client.joinOrCreate("room_name", [], RoomState, function(err, room) {
    if (err != null) {
        trace("JOIN ERROR: " + err);

    room.state.entities.onAdd = function(entity, key) {
        trace("entity added at " + key + " => " + entity);

        entity.onChange = function (changes) {
            trace("entity changes => " + changes);

    room.state.entities.onChange = function(entity, key) {
        trace("entity changed at " + key + " => " + entity);

    room.state.entities.onRemove = function(entity, key) {
        trace("entity removed at " + key + " => " + entity);

Other room events

Room state has been updated:

room.onStateChange += function(state) {
  // full new state avaialble on 'state' variable

Message broadcasted from server or directly to this client:

room.onMessage("type", function (message) {
  trace( + " received on " + + ": " + message);

Server error occurred:

room.onError += function() {
  trace( + " couldn't join " +;

The client left the room:

room.onLeave += function() {
  trace( + " left " +;

Running the demo project

The example project can be compiled to html5, neko, cpp, ios, etc.

It uses the state_handler room from the colyseus-examples project, which you can find here.

Compiling the demo project to html5

git clone
cd colyseus-hx/example/openfl
lime build project.xml html5

You can see the demo project live here.

ios target caveats

You may need to manually apply this patch in order to compile for iOS: HaxeFoundation/hxcpp@5f63d23

More info: